Welcome to NetStation

Through Net Station, you can tune in to us any time and access a large archive of audio material daily including Naats in Urdu, Nasheeds in Arabic, Qiraat of the Holy Quran and talks.

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Please tune in and keep trying until a file is available for streaming



Naat 04 Nasheed 04 Qari Abdul Basit - Surah Noor The Signs of Allah -
Part 1
Part 2
Naat 03 Nasheed 03 Quran 03 Ramadhan - The Spiritual Month
Naat 02 Nasheed 02 Quran 02 Satanic Whispers
Naat 01 Nasheed 01 Quran 01 The Lure of Shaytaan and the Promise of Allah

Please return here during Ramadhan for loads more audio streams.

Invite someone towards good

We urge you to pass our web address on to all the brothers and sisters that you know so they may also take benefit during Ramadhan from listening to NetStation.  If they benefit, you will be rewarded for inviting them towards the path of Allah

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For further details e-mail the ISI at: [email protected] or phone 0121-773-5191.

Contact the ISI for further details.
